Municipality of the District of Clare


Wednesday March 25 2015

PRESENT: Council: Warden Ronnie LeBlanc; Deputy Warden Brian Comeau; Councillors Russell Comeau, Lester Doucet, Nil Doucet, Danny Hill, and Hector Thibault. Staff: Chief Administrative Officer Connie Saulnier, Administrative Assistant to the CAO Colette Deveau.
Public: Clare Robicheau, Transport de Clare.
ABSENT: Councillor Robert Thibault.



Warden Ronnie LeBlanc called the Council Meeting to order at 7:00 pm.


The Agenda was reviewed.

Requested by Warden Ronnie LeBlanc the topic "New Horizons" (11.5) be removed from the Agenda.

Requested by Warden Ronnie LeBlanc that CAO Connie Saulnier wished to add the topic "Personnel Issue" to the Agenda under "Closed Session", as item 12.1.

MOVED BY Deputy Warden Brian Comeau and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill
that the proposed Agenda be approved with the above noted removal and addition.


Warden Ronnie LeBlanc asked for any declarations of conflict of interest from
the floor. None declared.


3) Presentations

3.1 Upper Clements Park – Gino Thibeault, Manager (7 pm)

Gino Thibault, Upper Clements Park Manager, gave a presentation to Council (see attached). He went over the previous year's statistics, their strategic plan, and where they are headed in 2015. Council had an opportunity to ask questions following the presentation.

Warden Ronnie LeBlanc thanked Mr. Thibault for his presentation.

3.2 Meteghan RCMP Report – Sergeant Jeff Holmes

Sergeant Jeff Holmes of the Meteghan Detachment RCMP and Sergeant Dan Gaudet were at the meeting to present the RCMP report (see attached document). Council had an opportunity to ask questions following the presentation.

Warden Ronnie LeBlanc thanked Sgt Holmes and Sgt Gaudet for their presentation.


4.1 February 18 2015: Hearing of Objections minutes
Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Lester Doucet that the Minutes of February 18, 2015 Hearing of Objections be accepted as circulated.

4.2 February 18, 2015: Regular Council Meeting
MOVED BY Councillor Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Hector Thibault that the Minutes of February 18, 2015 be accepted as circulated.

4.3 March 4, 2015 : Special Session of Council
MOVED BY Councillor Lester Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Hector Thibault that the Minutes of March 4, 2015 Special Session of Council be accepted as circulated.

4.4 March 4, 2015 : Committee-In-Council meeting
MOVED BY Councillor Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Russell Comeau that the Minutes of March 4, 2015 Council-In-Committee Meeting be accepted as circulated.


5.1 Digby-Clare Community Energy Enterprise: Intermunicipal Services Agreement

Council further discussed the proposed Intermunicipal Services Agreement for the Digby-Clare Community Energy Enterprise. It was noted that at the last Council-In-Committee meeting, Council had reviewed the proposed Agreement and various concerns were raised. Council had been asked to further review the document.

Warden LeBlanc indicated that the Town of Digby also had concerns. He indicated that the Municipality of Digby had agreed to sign the Agreement. Warden LeBlanc indicated that he and CAO Connie Saulnier intend to meet with the Mayor and CAO of the Town of Digby to further discuss their concerns. Council agreed to discuss this at the next meeting with further information from the Warden.

5.2 Request for Leave of Absence

At the March 4th Council-In-Committee Meeting, Warden LeBlanc had brought forward a request from Councillor Robert Thibault for a Leave of Absence. Council had discussed and asked that this topic be brought forward at the upcoming Council Meeting for an official Motion.

The dates discussed at the March 4th Council-In-Committee Meeting were "February 25 until May 2 (2015)", however Warden LeBlanc read Councillor Robert Thibault's request, which indicates "March 25 until the 1st week of May".

Warden LeBlanc explained that the request did not specify a Leave "with" or "without" pay. He explained that in the past, when leave of absences had been granted, it was without pay.

Council discussed and the following Motion was made:

MOVED BY Councillor Russell Comeau and SECONDED BY Deputy Warden Brian Comeau that the request from Councillor Robert Thibault for a Leave of Absence from March 25 until the 1st week of May (as per the written request) be approved without remuneration.

6) Warden’s Activity Report – Warden Ronnie LeBlanc

Warden Ronnie LeBlanc listed the meetings and events he attended since the last Council meeting: which included a dinner meeting with the Minister of Heritage and representatives from Municipal Units from Kings County to Argyle, regarding Canada's Legacy Project; CDÉNÉ's Board of Directors Meeting; official opening of Rendez-vous de la Francophonie; Woodlot owners provincial conference (held in Clare); lunch with ESDC high school Students Council; tour of Villa acadienne with the Minister of Health; Société acadienne de Clare's annual dinner which included the opening of Festival de la Clare-té.

7) Official Statements from the Members of Council


8) Correspondence

8.1 Request from Transport de Clare

CAO Connie Saulnier read a letter from the Transport de Clare (dated February 23, 2015) and Council was provided with the organization's Financial Summary and Projections, and Financial Statements (see attached documents). The non profit organization is requesting an increase in the Municipality of Clare's annual contribution from $20,000 to $25,400.

Claredon Robicheau, Transport de Clare's President, was present at the meeting. Council expressed how Clare was fortunate to have such a service, at a low cost for users; and commented on the Transport de Clare's great work and congratulated Claredon Robicheau and the team of employees and volunteers.

Warden Ronnie LeBlanc indicated that this financial request will be discussed during the upcoming budget process.

9) Chief Administrative Officer's (CAO) Report – CAO Connie Saulnier

CAO Connie Saulnier provided an update regarding various projects and activities (see attached report).

10) Committee Reports

10.1 Building Permits Report – Councillor Danny Hill

Councillor Danny Hill presented the building permits reports for the previous month (February), as submitted by the Building Department.

Year Permits Value of Construction
2014     27       $860,560
2015      2        $152,000

10.2 Clare Economic Development Committee – Warden Ronnie LeBlanc

Minutes dated February 12 2015 were distributed.

10.3 Communication Committee – Warden Ronnie LeBlanc


10.4 Planning Advisory Committee – Councillor Danny Hill


10.5 Recreation Committee – Councillor Nil Doucet

Minutes dated February 26 2015 were distributed.

10.6 Tourism Committee – Councillor Robert Thibault


10.7 Villa acadienne – Deputy Warden Brian Comeau


10.8 Waste Check – Councillor Robert Thibault

Council was informed that the Waste Check meeting will be held on Monday.

11) New Business

11.1 Transfer Station Disposal Fees (Residential & Commercial) 2015 2016

CAO Connie Saulnier indicated that the annual waste collection schedule was being reprinted and she recommended that the prices for disposal fees of residential and commercial waste remain the same (the prices had increased last year). Council discussed and agreed that the prices remain unchanged.

11.2 Recreation Committee: New members – MOTION

Council was informed that the Municipality had received 2 applications to fill the vacancies on the Recreation Committee (ads had been placed in February (2015)
to fill the vacancies).

Warden Ronnie LeBlanc indicated that recommendations in the Municipal Organizational Study were to eliminate certain committees, with the Recreation Committee being one of them. Warden LeBlanc explained that Council has not decided yet how to proceed with this recommendation, and as such, suggested that Council discuss this topic further before moving forward with the appointment of new members.

French and English requirement for committee member

Councillor Danny Hill indicated that he had received calls regarding the stipulation in the ad that indicated that applicants must be able to read, understand and speak both French and English. Councillor Hill questioned this.

Warden LeBlanc indicated that this will be closely looked at when the Terms of Reference and Policies are developed, as per the recommendations in the Municipal Organization Study.

11.3 Lifeguards at Mavillette Beach (Budget for Summer 2015) – MOTION

CAO Connie Saulnier indicated that each year the Recreation Department budgets for lifeguard services at Mavillette Beach during the Summer. This year the amount is for $7863 plus HST. Council discussed and proceeded to the following Motion:

MOVED BY Councillor Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare approve the expenses budgeted by the Recreation Department in the amount of $7,863 plus HST to provide Lifeguard Service at Mavillette Beach during Summer 2015, on weekends from July 4 to August 30.

11.4 Municipal Tax Exemption – MOTION

CAO Connie Saulnier indicated that each year, the Municipality offers low income homeowners a rebate on municipal taxes; that last year's rebate amount was $150; and last year's maximum annual household income was set at $18,000 or less (which was increased by $500 from the previous year). CAO Saulnier indicated that a $500 increase would bring the eligible maximum annual household income to $18,500. Council discussed and agreed to increase the maximum annual household income to $18,500 to be eligible to receive the municipal tax exemption of $150.

MOVED BY Councillor Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Municipality of the District of Clare offer a municipal tax exemption in the amount of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) for all homeowners applying for the tax exemption whose annual household income for 2014 was less than Eighteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($18,500.00).

11.5 New Horizons Application

This item had been removed from the Agenda, as per Warden LeBlanc's request.

11.6 Request for letter of support (Military low flyby for Lake Doucette Motor Speedway's Grand Opening on June 7)

CAO Connie Saulnier indicated that a request was received for a letter of support to permit a military low flyby at the Grand Opening of the Lake Doucette Motor Speedway, to be held on June 7 (2015). Permission is needed from the Municipality.

MOVED BY Councillor Lester Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Hector Thibault that the Municipality of Clare send a letter of support to permit a military low flyby at the Grand Opening of the Lake Doucette Motor Speedway on June 7, 2015.

11.7 Transfer funds from General Operating Fund to Capital Reserve Fund

CAO Connie Saulnier explained that the Sewer Department and the Building Inspections Department each operate a municipality owned truck, and each year, money is set aside for associated repairs. She indicated that there are budgeted funds in the respective budgets that have not been spent during the 2014/2015 fiscal year. As such CAO Saulnier recommends that the funds be placed in reserve towards the future replacement of a municipal vehicle. Council discussed and proceeded to the following Motion:

MOVED BY Councillor Hector Thibault and SECONDED BY Councillor Lester Doucet that the Municipality of the District of Clare transfer the amount of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) from the Sewer-General Operations Budget and Fifty-Five Hundred Dollars ($5,500.00) from the Building Inspections Operations Budget to the Capital Reserve Fund and that such funds be held in reserve for the future replacement of a municipal truck.

11.8 Tender for Repairs to Havelock Community Centre – MOTION

CAO Connie Saulnier indicated that 2 bids had been received for the repairs to the municipality owned building, the Havelock Community Centre; from Mellor & Saulnier Contracting, and Shep-Com Construction Ltd (see attached). Phase 1 is for the removal and replacement of roof shingles, with 2 possible options: replacing the shingles or installing a metal roof. The recommendation is for Option 2, the metal roof, given the fact that the price is reasonable and not much more that Option 1. The lowest bidder was recommended, being Shep-Com Construction Ltd.

CAO Saulnier explained that Phase 2 is for other repairs to the building (gutters, window trim, light fixtures, fire escape, etc). The lowest bidder was recommended, being Shep-Com Construction Ltd. Council proceeded with the following Motion:

MOVED BY Deputy Warden Brian Comeau and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare accept the tendered bid associated with repairs to the Havelock Community Centre for the following work and amounts as submitted by Shep-Com Construction Ltd on March 20th, 2015:
1) Removal and Replacement of Roof Shingles with Metal Roof
PHASE # 1 (Option # 2): $ 24,347.13 + $ 3,652.07 HST = $ 27,999.20
2) PHASE # 2 – Other Repairs to Building (gutters, window trim, light fixtures, fire escape, etc.): $ 8,642.00 + $ 1,296.30 HST = $ 9,938.30


8:50 pm

MOVED BY Councillor Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Lester Doucet that Council proceed to an In Camera Session.

Topic discussed: 12.1 Personnel Issue

MOVED BY Councillor Hector Thibault and SECONDED BY Councillor Nil Doucet that Council proceed to the Regular Council Meeting.

The next Council meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 7 pm.


The meeting was adjourned with a motion by Councillor Hector Thibault.

Submitted by

Colette Deveau,
Administrative Assistant to the CAO