Municipality of the District of Clare
Wednesday, April 17, 2024, at 7:00 pm
Meeting held at 1185 Highway 1, Little Brook, NS

Council: Warden Yvon LeBlanc, Deputy Warden Eric Pothier; Councillors Nil Doucet, Danny Hill, Philippe Gaudet, Carl Deveau, and Nadine Comeau
Staff: CAO Stéphane Cyr, Executive Assistant, Aimélie Comeau, Communications Officer, Anique Dugas, and Director of Finance, Ginette Cheff
ABSENT: Councillor Brian Comeau

1) Call to Order
Warden Yvon LeBlanc called the Council meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

2)  Adoption of the Agenda

MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the proposed agenda be approved as circulated.

3) Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Nadine Comeau declared a conflict of interest with the following items:

  • 10 Motion to Approve Municipal Tax Exemption – Clare Curling Association
  • 11 Motion to Approve Municipal Tax Reimbursement – Clare Curling Association.

4) Presentations

5) Adoption of the Minutes from Previous Council Meetings
5.1 March 20, 2024 – Regular Council Meeting

MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau that the minutes of the March 20, 2024, Regular Council Meeting be accepted as presented.

5.2 April 3, 2024 – Council-In-Committee Meeting

MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Deputy Warden Eric Pothier that the minutes of the April 3, 2024, Council in Committee Meeting be accepted as presented.

6) Business Arising from Previous Meetings

7) Warden’s Activity Report – Warden Yvon LeBlanc
March 23 - Attended the Clare Community Expo organized by the Municipality. Several councillors attended. The Expo was well received and allowed many community organizations the opportunity to present themselves to the public.

March 25 and 26 - Attended meetings of the Board of Governors of Université Sainte-Anne. Here, we deliberated on the candidates for the position of President of Université Sainte-Anne.

March 26 - Attended the regular meeting of the Villa Acadienne. The former Villa Acadienne, now named Villa de la Baie, is open and starting to welcome residents this week.

April 8 - Attended a special meeting of the Board of Governors of Université Sainte-Anne to continue the discussions regarding the position of President.

April 10 - Attended a special meeting of Council focusing on the Municipality's operating and capital budgets.

8) Official Statements from Members of Council
The CAO read a letter explaining l’Ordre de la Pléiade. (pdfSee attached)

L’Ordre de la Pléiade recognizes individuals who, through their contributions to the development and preservation of the French language, have distinguished themselves by serving the ideals of l’Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie.

On behalf of Council, Warden LeBlanc congratulated the 3 recipients of l’Ordre de la Pléiade (niveau Chevalier) from the Municipality of Clare - Robert Thibault, Denise Comeau Desautels, and Lisette Sieberath – and recommended that Council send them each a letter in recognition of this honor. Council agreed and passed the following motion:

MOVED BY Deputy Warden Eric Pothier and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare send a letter to Robert Thibault, Denise Comeau Desautels, and Lisette Sieberath in recognition of having been named a member of l’Ordre de la Pléiade.

9) Correspondence
9.1 The Honourable Diane Lebouthillier – Minister of Fisheries, Oceans, and the Canadian Coast Guard
The CAO read a letter from the Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans, and the Canadian Coast Guard. (pdfSee attached)

9.2 Mary Surette – Managing Director, Yarmouth Hospital Foundation
The CAO read a letter from Mary Surette, Managing Director of the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation. (pdfSee attached)

9.3 Guy Surette – Chair, Liaison & Oversight Committee, Western Regional Enterprise Network (WREN)
The CAO read a letter from Guy Surette, Chair, Liaison & Oversight Committee of Western Regional Enterprise Network. (pdfSee attached)

The CAO is recommending that Council approve the proposed changes to the composition of the Western REN Liaison and Oversight Committee’s Recruitment and Nomination Committee. Council agreed and made the following motion:

MOVED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare approve the proposed changes to the composition of the Western Regional Enterprise Network Liaison and Oversight Committee’s (WREN LOC) Recruitment and Nomination Committee, as outlined in the letter from the Chair of the WREN LOC, Mr. Guy Surette, dated April 9, 2024.

10) Presentation of the 2024-2025 Operational Budget and Corresponding Motions
10.1 Motion to Adopt Municipal Tax Rates
The CAO provided an overview of the 2024-2025 Operational Budget (pdfSee attached).

The budget is balanced at $13,156,200 and calls for the residential and commercial property tax rates to remain unchanged from 2023-2024 levels, specifically $1.04 and $2.07 per $100 of assessment, respectively.

MOVED BY Councillor Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the tax rates for the Municipality of the District of Clare for 2024-2025 be set as follows:

  • $1.04 per $100.00 of assessment as the Residential and Resource Tax Rate (the same rate since 2014), and
  • $2.07 per $100.00 of assessment as the Commercial Tax Rate (the same rate since 2010)
  • $0.25 per acre (below 50,000 acres) and $0.40 per acre (above 50,000 acres) as the Forest Acreage Rates.


10.2 Motion to Adopt Sewer Service Charges

MOVED BY Deputy Warden Eric Pothier and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the sewer service charges for the Municipality of the District of Clare for 2024-2025 be set at $220.00 per unit for the following:

  • Meteghan
  • Meteghan Centre
  • Meteghan River
  • Church Point
  • Belliveau Cove


10.3 Motion to Adopt Streetlight Area Rates
MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Nil Doucet that the 2024-2025 streetlight area rates for the Municipality of the District of Clare be set as follows:

  • Highway 1 and Patrice Road – Church Point $63.35
  • Highway 1 – Little Brook and Comeauville $38.91
  • Highway 1 – Saulnierville $56.66
  • Highway 1 – Meteghan River $59.83
  • Placide Comeau Road – Meteghan River $75.55
  • Highway 1 and Peter Dugas Road – Meteghan $38.81
  • Highway 1 – Saint-Bernard and Belliveau Cove $39.38


10.4 Motion to Adopt Fire Service Rates

MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Philippe Gaudet that the 2024-2025 fire service rates for the Municipality of the District of Clare be set as follows:

  • Fire Protection $0.05 per $100.00 of assessment
  • Fire Truck Purchase $0.06 per $100.00 of assessment


10.5 Motion to Adopt the Low-Income Property Tax Exemption

MOVED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau and SECONDED BY Deputy Warden Eric Pothier that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare set the 2024-2025 low-income property tax exemption amount at $300 for households earning less than $28,000 per annum.

10.6 Motion to Adopt Due Date and Interest Commencement Date

MOVED BY Deputy Warden Eric Pothier and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the due date for payment of the 2024-2025 municipal taxes be June 28, 2024, and the interest rate be 1.5 % per month, beginning on July 31, 2024.

10.7 Motion to Accept the 2024-2025 Municipal Operational Budget

MOVED BY Councillor Philippe Gaudet and SECONDED BY Councillor Nil Doucet that the 2024-2025 operational budget for the Municipality of the District of Clare be approved as presented on Wednesday, April 17, 2024.

11) CAO Report – Chief Administrative Officer – Stéphane Cyr
The CAO presented his report for the month of April. (See attached)

12) Committee Reports
12.1 Building Permits Report – Councillor Danny Hill
Councillor Danny Hill read the building permits report for the month of March.

March 2024



Construction Value

Year to Date



$ 7,039,550

$ 8,232,990



$ 2,067,120

$ 2,655,580

12.2 Waste Check – Councillor Carl Deveau
Waste Check is no longer accepting opaque coloured bags (i.e., black bags). Those who continue to use opaque coloured bags will be advised of such with a rejection sticker placed on their curbside garbage. When receiving a sticker, residents are asked to transfer the items from the opaque coloured bag(s) to a clear bag.

To date, this transition has been going well, resulting in a substantive decline of black bags. Waste Check would like to thank everyone for their cooperation.

13)  New Business
13.1 Motion to Approve 2024-2025 Capital Budget
The CAO presented the Municipality’s proposed Capital Budget for fiscal 2024-2025.

The proposed budget includes a total of $5,233,883 in project investments for the fiscal year. Specific investments include the Clare Veterans Centre, Wentworth Park, and the Track and Field Lighting project, as well as continued investments in wastewater infrastructure and sidewalks.

Council agreed with the draft budget as presented and made the following motion:

MOVED BY Deputy Warden Eric Pothier and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the 2024-2025 capital budget for the Municipality of the District of Clare be approved as presented on Wednesday, April 17, 2024.

13.2 Motion to Accept Proposal – New Website Design, Acadian Shores Interpretive Tour
The Municipality of Clare issued an RFP for professional design services to create a new website for the Acadian Shores Interpretive Tour. Several proposals were received in response to this RFP which closed on March 15, 2024. It should be noted that the design of this new website is funded entirely by ACOA. Following a review of the proposals by the project committee (i.e., staff from both Clare and Argyle), it was recommended that Council accept the proposal from VOX Interactif in the amount of $17,077 plus HST. Council agreed and made the following motion:

MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Philippe Gaudet that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare accept the proposal from VOX Interactif for the design of a new website, as part of the Acadian Shores Interpretive Tour project, in the amount of $17,077 plus HST.

13.3 Motion to Accept Proposal – New Website Design, Discover La Baie Sainte-Marie
The Municipality of Clare issued an RFP for professional design services to create a new website for Discover La Baie Sainte-Marie. The RFP closed on March 15, 2024. A total of 18 proposals were received. Following a review of the proposals by both the CAO and staff, it was recommended that Council accept the proposal from VOX Interactif in the amount of $18,242 plus HST. Council agreed and made the following motion:

MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare accept the proposal from VOX Interactif for the re-design of the Municipality’s Discover La Baie Sainte-Marie website in the amount of $18,242 plus HST.

13.4 Motion to Purchase Groundskeeping Equipment
The CAO is seeking to purchase a new zero turn commercial lawn mower and a 16-foot trailer for the Municipality’s Public Works Department. Two quotes were received for the mower. Pricing is still being sought for the trailer.

With regards to the new mower, both the CAO and staff are recommending the Municipality accept the quote from Leonard C. Comeau General Store Ltd. in the amount of $10,741 (including the non-rebated portion of the HST). Council agreed and made the following motion:

MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Nil Doucet that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare approve the purchase of a Husqvarna Commercial Zero Turn Mower from Leonard C. Comeau General Store Ltd. in the amount of $10,741 (including the non-rebated portion of the HST), and that these funds be taken from the Municipality’s Capital Reserve.

13.5 Motion to Approve Community Flagpole Request – Clare Pride
Clare Pride has submitted a request to fly the pride flag on the Municipality’s community flagpole, in recognition of Pride Month, from June 14 up to and including July 2, 2024. This request complies with the terms and conditions set forth in the Municipality’s Flag Flying Policy. As such, the CAO and staff are recommending that Council proceed with the request as presented. Council agreed and made the following motion:

MOVED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare approve Clare Pride’s request to fly the pride flag on the Municipality’s community flagpole in recognition of Pride Month, from June 14 to July 2, 2024.

13.6 Motion to Approve Road Naming Request – Sunrise Drive
The Municipality was approached to name a private road. All affected parcels of land are owned by the individual making the request. Furthermore, the proposed name is compliant with the Municipality’s Road Naming Policy. As such, the CAO and staff are recommending that Council proceed with the road naming as requested. Council agreed and made the following motion:

MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare approve the request to name the road shared by the PIDs (Property Identification Number) listed below, as follows:

  • In English: Sunrise Drive
  • In French: Promenade du lever du soleil
  • PIDs 30382048, 30382022, 30382030, 30382014


13.7 Motion to Approve Road Naming Request – Sunshine Drive
The Municipality was approached to name a private road. All affected parcels of land are owned by the individual making the request. Furthermore, the proposed name is compliant with the Municipality’s Road Naming Policy. As such, the CAO and staff are recommending that the Council proceed with the road naming as requested. Council agreed and made the following motion:

MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare approve the request to name the road shared by the PIDs (Property Identification Number) listed below, as follows:

  • In English: Sunshine Drive
  • In French: Promenade beau soleil
  • PIDs 30019160, 30019129, 30356505, 30019095


13.8 Motion to Write a Letter of Support – Fishing Gear Coalition of Atlantic Canada
The Municipality received a letter from the Fishing Gear Coalition of Atlantic Canada requesting its support for the continuation of its pilot project to divert and recycle fishing gear waste. To this end, it is the CAO’s recommendation that the Municipality of the District of Clare, in its capacity as a Municipal Partnered Collection Site, write a letter to the Fishing Gear Coalition of Atlantic Canada advocating for the continued support and recognition of collection facilities in diverting fishing gear waste from landfills. Council agreed and made the following motion:

MOVED BY Deputy Warden Eric Pothier and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare, in its capacity as a Municipal Partnered Collection Site, write a letter to the Fishing Gear Coalition of Atlantic Canada advocating for the continued support and recognition of collection facilities in diverting fishing gear waste from landfills.

13.9 Motion to Write a Letter of Support – Weymouth July 1st Committee
The Municipality was approached for a letter in support on the Weymouth July 1st Committee’s application to the Province of Nova Scotia’s Diversity and Community Capacity Fund, for financial assistance with this year’s Weymouth Day celebrations. Whereas many residents from the Municipality partake in the annual Weymouth Day celebrations, the CAO is recommending Council grant this request and authorize a letter of support. Council agreed and made the following motion:

MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Nil Doucet that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare write a letter to the Weymouth July 1st Committee in support of their application to the Province of Nova Scotia’s Diversity and Community Capacity Fund, for financial assistance with this year’s Weymouth Day celebrations.

13.10 Motion to Approve Municipal Tax Exemption – Clare Curling Association
The CAO and the Director of Finance are recommending that the Council amend its previous motion granting a municipal tax exemption to the Clare Curling Association (AAN # 06078044) to reflect a rebated amount of 73% of the commercial tax amount and fire rates, effective April 1, 2023. Council agreed and made the following motion:

MOVED BY Councillor Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare amend its previous motion granting a municipal tax exemption to the Clare Curling Association (AAN # 06078044) to reflect a rebated amount of 73% of the commercial tax amount and fire rates, effective April 1, 2023.

13.11 Motion to Approve Municipal Tax Reimbursement – Clare Curling Association
The CAO and the Director of Finance are also recommending that Council reimburse $4,586.85 to the Clare Curling Association for fiscal 2023-24, as per the previous motion (13.10) granting a municipal tax exemption of 73% of the commercial tax amount and fire rates, effective April 1, 2023. Council agreed and made the following motion:

MOVED BY Councillor Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare reimburse $4,586.85 to the Clare Curling Association for fiscal 2023-24, as per the motion dated April 17, 2024, granting a municipal tax exemption of 73% of the commercial tax amount and fire rates, effective April 1, 2023.

14) Closed Session

15) Date and Time of the next Regular Council Meeting
The next Regular Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 7:00 pm.

16) Adjournment

MOVED BY Councillor Nil Doucet to adjourn the meeting at 8:13 pm.

Submitted by:
Aimélie Comeau
Executive Assistant