Ukrainian Flag

Press Release
(For immediate release)

Little Brook, NS – June 5, 2022: In solidarity with the people of Ukraine and the Canadian Ukrainian community, the Ukrainian flag was hoisted on the community flagpole at the Office of the Municipality of Clare.

Municipal representatives were honoured to have special guest Lex Brukovskiy raise the flag. He has recently returned from his home country after participating in a three-month-long humanitarian campaign in the wake of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. He was part of a team that brought much needed supplies into the communities affected by war. He also helped evacuate injured soldiers, children and the elderly.

“Lex, please know that Clare residents have been behind you from Day One,” said Pam Doucet, Director of Community Development, during the flag-raising ceremony. “They have donated to and fundraised for your cause. They have flown the Ukrainian flag outside their homes and businesses. They speak of you with pride and great respect.”

Mr. Brukovskiy took a moment to thank the residents of Clare for their support, humbly noting that a total of $70,000 was donated locally towards his efforts.

Also in attendance were Ronnie LeBlanc, MLA for the district of Clare, along with municipal councillors Nil Doucet, Philippe Gaudet and Brian Comeau.

At the May 2022 Municipal Council Meeting, councillors passed a motion to raise the Ukrainian flag on the community flagpole in July. This special purpose flagpole was installed in 2019 to allow community organizations to fly a flag in honour of an event or a special cause.People standing around a podiumA ceremony was held at the Municipality of Clare’s community flagpole honouring the people of Ukraine and the Canadian Ukrainian community. Left to right: Councillor Nil Doucet, Councillor Brian Comeau, Councillor Philippe Gaudet, Director of Community Development Pam Doucet, special guest Lex Brukovskiy and Clare MLA Ronnie LeBlanc

Flag pole with Ukrainian FlagUkrainian-born Clare resident Lex Brukovskiy raises the Ukrainian flag on the Municipality of Clare’s community flagpole, which will fly In solidarity with the people of Ukraine and the Canadian Ukrainian community.

Two people presenting a certificatePhilippe Gaudet (right), Municipal Councillor for District 3, presents Lex Brukovskiy with a certificate recognizing his outstanding humanitarian efforts in aiding and protecting the people of his homeland in the wake of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Two people presenting a certificateRonnie LeBlanc (left), MLA for the district of Clare, presents Lex Brukovskiy with a plaque bearing the statement he read in the Legislative Assembly earlier this year.

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Settled in 1768 and incorporated in 1879, the Municipality of Clare is located at the southwestern tip of Nova Scotia with approximately 8,000 residents. The Municipality of Clare is the only municipality in the province that conducts business and offers services in both official languages, French and English.

Media Contact / Interviews:

Pam Doucet
Director of Community Development
Municipality of Clare