Municipality of the District of Clare


Wednesday, December 21st, 2016 at 7:00 pm


PRESENT:  Council: Warden Ronnie LeBlanc, Deputy Warden Nil Doucet; Councillors, Danny Hill, Hector Thibault, Carl Deveau, Brian Comeau, Eric Pothier and Yvon LeBlanc

Staff: CAO Stéphane Cyr, Administrative Assistant to the CAO – Alain Poirier


ABSENT:     None

1) Call to Order

     Warden Ronnie LeBlanc called the Council Meeting to order at 7:00 pm.


2)  (a) Approval of the Agenda

The Warden asked that the following changes be made to the Agenda

- Remove item 12.1 from “Closed Session” and place it under “Business Arising” as item 5.2

Councillor Danny Hill asked that the following item be added to the Agenda.

- 12.2 Clare Firefighters Association under “Closed Session”

MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Hector Thibault that the proposed agenda be approved with the above noted changes.


(b) Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Warden Ronnie LeBlanc asked for any declarations of conflict of interest.

None declared


3)  Presentations



4)  Adoption of the Minutes from Previous Council Meetings

4.1 November 16th, 2016: Regular Council Meeting

MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Yvon LeBlanc that the Minutes of November 16th, 2016 be accepted as circulated.


4.2 December 7th, 2016: Council-in-Committee Meeting

MOVED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the Minutes of December 7th, 2016 be accepted as circulated.



5)  Business Arising from Previous Meetings

5.1 E.M.O. Council Orientation - Province of Nova Scotia

The CAO mentioned that the Nova Scotia Emergency Management Office is planning to deliver EMO training/orientation sessions to all municipal councils across the province early in the new year. Emergency Management Planning Officer, Mr. Andrew Mitton, has inquired as to the possibility of establishing a tentative date in January to meet with Council. The CAO suggested Wednesday, January 25th, 2017. Council was in agreement.

5.2 Rural Internet

The CAO provided an update on the Rural Internet file. The municipal working group is now smaller and comprised of the Municipalities of Digby, Yarmouth and Argyle (and possibly Barrington); all of which are currently served by the Western Regional Enterprise Network (WREN). That said, the intent is still to proceed with an RFP to hire a project manager to help review private sector design build submissions and prepare an application for funding to the federal government prior to the stated deadline of March 13, 2017. The WREN will coordinate the RFP process and the project application process, in close collaboration with the aforementioned municipal units. At the time of this meeting, the municipalities of Digby, Yarmouth and Argyle had all passed motions to each allocate $20,000 in gas tax funding towards this effort. The WREN had also agreed to contribute $20,000. In light of this, the CAO recommended that the Municipality (as an equal partner in this effort) also pass a similar motion to approve $20,000 in gas tax funding towards this effort. Council passed the following motion:

MOVED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Municipality of the District of Clare engage the Western Regional Enterprise Network to coordinate an application for federal funding to improve rural broadband coverage in our region, and that the Municipality allocate up to $20,000 of Federal Gas Tax funds to support this endeavor.



6)  Warden’s Activity Report – Warden Ronnie LeBlanc

The Warden provided a summary of the meetings and events he attended since the last Council meeting.

November 21            Highway 101 taskforce meeting with T.I.R., Gordon Wilson at the Municipality of Digby.

November 22            Villa Acadienne meeting with Gordon Wilson, Lucille Maillet and Marcel Cottreau, to discuss relocating the Villa.

November 22            Villa Acadienne Board of Directors meeting.

November 25            Meeting with Gordon Wilson, Mayor Ben Cleveland and Warden Jimmy MacAlpine to discuss future projects.

November 27            A small speech was made at the Little Brook Fire Station Banquet.

December 13            Attended the Planning Advisory Committee meeting for an update regarding the ongoing work on Watershed Protection.

7)  Official Statements from Members of Council

Councillor Hector Thibault congratulated Mrs. Edith Thibodeau on her 102nd anniversary. Councillor Thibault also thanked all those who have contributed to decorating the “Petit bois”.

Councillor Carl Deveau congratulated la Baie en Joie for all their work in Clare and abroad. Councillor Deveau also wished a merry Christmas to all the residents of Clare on behalf of himself and his family.


8)  Correspondence

8.1 Letter from “Conseil des arts de la Baie”

The CAO read a letter received from “Conseil des arts de la Baie”. (pdfSee attached)

The CAO stated that he will respond to the group in writing in order to communicate the Municipality’s willingness to meet with them and other partners in order to further discuss the issue. Any financial implications stemming from these discussions will be considered as part of the 2017-18 budgetary planning process.

8.2 Letter from the Alternative Resource Energy Authority

The CAO read a letter from the Alternative Resource Energy Authority (AREA). (pdfSee attached)

Council suggested that the letter be referred to the Director of Community Development for further review, with the understanding that recommendations on the issue will be prepared for Council at a later date.

8.3 Letter from Supernova Energy Solutions

The CAO read a letter from Supernova Energy Solutions. (pdfSee attached)


9)  CAO Report – Chief Administrative Officer - Stéphane Cyr

The CAO read his report. (pdfSee attached)

10)  Committee Reports

10.1 Building Permits Report: Councillor Danny Hill

Councillor Danny Hill read his report for the month of November.


Year                              Permits                         Construction Value

2015                              10                                  $179,373

2016                              14                                  $355,060

10.2 Planning Advisory Committee:

The CAO mentioned that PAC held a joint meeting with Council on December 14th to review the watershed protection file and the proposed amendments to the land-use by-law, prior to hosting a public hearing on the subject. It was agreed that PAC would expand its scope of work to include a preliminary assessment of how the proposed legislation would impact the other watersheds (and the affected landowners within said watersheds) prior to conducting a public hearing. The amount of time and resources to complete this preliminary assessment was believed to be minimal. Nevertheless, Mr. Greg Zwicker (WSP) will submit a quote for Council’s consideration.

10.3 Police Advisory: Deputy Warden Nil Doucet

No report.

10.4 Villa Acadienne: Councillor Brian Comeau

Councillor Brian Comeau mentioned that on December 7th, 2016, three board members of the Villa Acadienne and the administrator, Mrs. Lucille Maillet, met with members of the Nova Scotia Departments of Health and Wellness as well as Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal to discuss the replacement of the Villa. The Villa’s Board of Directors has been tasked by the Province with creating a plan for replacing the Villa. Once complete, it will be sent to the Province for review.

10.5 Waste Check: Councillor Carl Deveau

Councillor Carl Deveau mentioned that the Waste Check Policy Committee has been meeting to review the proposed solid waste resource by-law. The Committee’s goal is to have this by-law complete and present it to its member Councils by March 2017.

Councillor Deveau also mentioned that Waste Check has noticed that some residents are using green plastic bags in their recycling bins. Despite being advertised as such, these bags are not biodegradable. Waste Check is recommending the use of brown paper bags instead.


11)  New Business

11.1 Motion to award the tender for the Clare Veteran’s Centre upstairs bathroom renovations

MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Hector Thibault that the Municipality of the District of Clare award the tender for the Clare Veteran’s Centre upstairs bathroom renovations to Kevin Comeau Construction Ltd. in the amount of $50,944,52 plus HST.


11.2 Motion to draft a by-law outlining a possible loan program for wells and cisterns

MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the By-Law Committee draft a by-law outlining possible loan program criteria to allow the Municipality to lend money to residents for new wells and cisterns.


11.3 Motion to adopt the new Citizen Appointment Policy

MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Eric Pothier that Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare adopt the new Citizen Appointment Policy as presented.


11.4 Motion to officially name “Bucking Horse Road” 

MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Yvon LeBlanc that the road shared by the properties P.I.D. (Property Identification Number) 30257364, 30285688, 30065569, 30257349, 30257174 and 30257141 be officially named “Bucking Horse Road”.


11.5 Motion to reduce tax account

MOVED BY Councillor Eric Pothier and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare reduce the taxes for the homeowners of assessment account 00864188 by half of the assessed value of the house for 2016 (excluding land, sewer and septic), in light of the July 10, 2016 housefire which destroyed their home.


11.6 Motion to write off tax accounts

MOVED BY Councillor Hector Thibault and SECONDED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet that Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare write off the following three tax accounts: 08517401, 02486903 and 00878979.


11.7 Motion to write a letter of support for the Cedar Lake Wireless Cooperative Inc.

MOVED BY Councillor Yvon LeBlanc and SECONDED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet that Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare write a letter of support for the Cedar Lake Wireless Cooperative Inc.


11.8 Motion to amend the current lease for the Clare Legion Branch 52

MOVED BY Councillor Eric Pothier and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare amend the current lease for the Clare Legion Branch 52 to reflect the organization’s new name, the Clare Veterans Association.


Councillor Carl Deveau mentioned that situations similar to that of the Clare Legion Branch 52 are currently happening all across the Country.

11.9 Motion to issue cellular phones and to pay vaccination costs to/for both the Animal Control Officer and the Assistant Animal Control Officer

MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Yvon LeBlanc that Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare issue cellular phones to both the Animal Control Officer and the Assistant Animal Control Officer and that the Municipality also approve the cost of rabies vaccinations for both Officers.


12)  Closed Session 

PROPOSED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that Council proceed to an In-Camera Session.

Topics discussed:

12.1 Insurance Policy

12.2 Clare Firefighters Association

PROPOSED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that Council proceed to the Regular Council Meeting.


13)  Date and time of the next Regular Council Meeting

The next Regular Council Meeting will be held on January 18th, 2017 at 7:00 pm.

14)  Adjournment

MOVED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet to adjourn the meeting at 8: 41 pm.