Municipality of the District of Clare


Wednesday August 12th 2015 at 6PM

PRESENTS: Council: Warden Ronnie LeBlanc, Deputy Warden Brian Comeau; Councillors Russell Comeau, Lester Doucet, Nil Doucet, Danny Hill, and Robert Thibault.
               Staff: Administrative Assistant to the CAO, Alain Poirier.

ABSENT: Councillor Hector Thibault and CAO Connie Saulnier.

Warden Ronnie LeBlanc called the special session meeting to order at 6PM.

2) (a) Adoption of the Agenda
Warden Ronnie LeBlanc asked that the following item be added under ''New Business''
- Consultant firm Richard Ramsay Consultant.

PROPOSED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Lester Doucet that the Agenda be approved with the aboved noted additions.

(b) Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Warden Ronnie LeBlanc asked for any conflict of interest from the floor.
None declared

3) New Business

3.1 Motion to hire recruitment firm
PROPOSED BY Deputy Warden Brian Comeau and SECONDED BY Councillor Russel Comeau that the Council for the Municipality of Clare approve the Request for Proposals as submitted by the firm Gerald Walsh Associates Inc. on August 6th, 2015 in the amount of $ 16,500 for professional services and $ 3,500 for advertising costs, for the recruitment of a new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).

3.2 Motion to transfer surplus funds to operating reserve.
PROPOSED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Russel Comeau that any surplus funds in the general Operating fund, from the fiscal year 2014-2015, be transferred to the Operating Reserve Fund.

3.3 Motion to hire a consultant firm Richard Ramsay consultant
PROPOSED BY Councillor Robert Thibault and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Warden be authorized to negociate with Richard Ramsay Consulting for the completion of certain elements of their proposal as discussed at Committee of the whole In-Camera Session on August 12th, 2015. Compensation to Ramsay Consulting not to exceed $7,000.

4) Date and time of Next Regular Council Meeting: Wednesday, September 23, 2015, at 7PM

5) Adjournment
PROPOSED BY Councillor Nil Doucet the adjournment of the meeting at 18:10.

Submitted by

Alain Poirier,
Administrative Assistant of the CAO