Cet arrêté est disponibile en anglais seulement.
- In this By-Law and in any exisitng or future by-law, policy, recorded resolution or resolution, unless the context otherwise requires;
- Words importing only one gender include the masculine, feminine and neutral genders.
- All references to officers or employees of the Municipality or the District of Clare include a person authorized or appointed in an "interim" or "acting" capacity.
- All references to an employee of the Municipality of the District of Clare include references to subordinate employees authorized to act in place of or on behalf of the employee.
- All reference to committees are references to committees of the Municipality of the District of Clare.
- All reference to the time of day shall be to that system of time in use in the Municipality of the District of Clare at the relevant time whether it be "Atlantic Standard Time" or "Atlantic Daylight Time".
- Words in any by-law, policy, recorded resolution or resolution have the meaning ascribed to them by definition in that by-law, policy, recorded resolution or resolution, and, if no definition is contained therein or as defined in this by-law, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
- In this By-Law and other By-Laws of' the Council of the Municipality of the District of Clare, unless the context otherwise indicates:
- "Bill'' means an itemized account in favour of or against, the Municipality or any individual or corporation;
- "By-Law" means a By-Law of the Municipality of the District of Clare;
- "By-Law Enforcement Officer" means a person appointed and approved under Section 35 of the Police Act to enforce one or more By-Laws or the municipality.
- "Chairperson" means the Warden, Deputy Warden or any person appointed by the Council to preside over it, or a person appointed by the Council or a Committee or Board to preside over such Committee or Board;
- "Chief Administrative Officer" or "CAO" means the Chief Administrative Officer for the Municipality of the District of Clare;
- "Clerk" means the Clerk of the Municipality;
- "Council" means the Council of the Municipality;
- "Councillor" means a member of the Council;
- "Deputy Warden" means the Deputy Warden of the Municipality;
- "In writing" or "written" includes printing, lithography, email, fax or any other modes of representing or reproducing words in visible form:
- "Meeting" has the meaning which it has in Section 87 and Section 88 of the Municipal Act. Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1967 Chapter 192;
- "Month" means the calendar month;
- "Municipality" means the Municipality of the District or Clare;
- "Municipal Government Act" or "MGA" means Chapter 295 of the Revised Statutes or Nova Scotia, 1989, any Act or Acts which may hereafter be passed as amendments or substitutions thereto or thereof;
- "Municipal Staff" means an employee or employees or the Municipality or the District of Clare authorized by or through the CAO to undertake an activity;
- "Person" means any person, male or female, and any body corporate, and includes a partnership except when modified by the word "human" or "natural";
- "Quorum", as applied to the Council, means a majority of the Councillors constituting the Council; as applied to a Committee or Board means a majority of the members constituting the Committee or Board;
- "Session" means the proceedings of the Council held on any one day of the meeting;
- "Solicitor" or "Municipal Solicitor" means the solicitor for the Municipality of the District of Clare;
- "Warden" means the Warden for the Municipality of the District of Clare;
- "Year"' means the Financial Year, which is the Calendar year.